Tracesure bolus propels cattle and sheep performance

Tracesure bolus

With the Tracesure bolus, Paddy Prendagast is confident that every animal has what they need. 

With his grass high in molybdenum, his cattle are exposed to a higher copper deficiency risk. Thiomolybdate compounds such as Molybdenum prevent the absorption of copper in the animal, so can cause fatal disorders. With this confirmed, Paddy utilises the ANIMAX Tracesure with copper product, which is administered within the same applicator as the cobalt-iodine-selenium bolus.

Signs of a copper deficiency:
  • Loss of coat pigment, with dark coats taking an orangey appearance
  • Weight loss
  • Milk yield drop
  • Fertility challenge
  • Sudden heart failure causing sudden death
  • Lameness

It is best practice to test and analyse the trace element status before coming up with a supplementation plan. Consult with your vet, SQP and/or nutritionist. 

“I’m using Tracesure Cattle with copper for a long time – over 20 years – and I find it’s a great product”, says Paddy. “They don’t get any buckets or anything like that, so they’re totally dependent on Tracesure cattle with copper. 

Tracesure bolus for ‘XL’ cattle

Cow and calf health is key for Paddy who has seen cows looking healthier and getting back in calf better.

“With the Tracesure cattle with copper, I find that you have less empty cows, and it compacts the calving probably a bit better too. The calves from the cows will be healthier looking. Overall, everything is going in balance”, adds Paddy.

Since its launch in the early part of 2023, Paddy has been leveraging the ANIMAX Tracesure Cattle XL bolus specially designed to supply cattle weighing 500kg and over with enough in one application for up to 6 months. Previously, Paddy was having to double bolus.

“It’s great, it’s a huge improvement because giving the sucklers boluses is difficult. And I mean with the one application you can cut the work in half”, explains Paddy.

Tracesure bolus for sheep

Paddy has two seasons of lambing – January and March.

“I give them the bolus when they come in and they also get a bolus before they go to the ram. So it’s twice a year basically more or less – that’s the system that I’ve been using”, explains Paddy.

“And I find a number of things. First of all, I have a more compact lambing flock with the bolus and I’ve healthier lambs when they’re born. They’ve more vigour and the sheep seem to be more vigorous as well. They’re healthier looking”.

“That’s one of the main reasons why I used it initially because the lambs were a bit weak and the ewes didn’t look as healthy. Didn’t seem to have the vigour that you’d like to see in them. So I mean that’s fierce important to me anyway that I have a decent crop of lambs and I have healthy lambs when they’re born”, adds Paddy.

“Performance-wise Tracesure definitely helps the ewe. She’s healthier, she produces a better lamb, she milks better, her feet are better. I don’t get the same lameness as I used to get before I started using the Animax. It’s beneficial in every way”.


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