Cattle XL single application bolus for ‘plus-size’ cattle

cattle xl

ANIMAX Tracesure Cattle XL is the only bolus on the market that can supply cattle weighing over 500kg with enough essential trace elements for up to 6 months. Up until ANIMAX pioneered Tracesure Cattle XL, cattle weighing over 500kg had to have a bolus double dose (or more!). This presents a huge labour saving opportunity on farm.

As sited in the graph below, most dairy cows enter the milking herd at a weight of 500kg and can grow on up to almost 700 kg. The average size of a mature suckler cow can be anything from 500 kg up to 700 kg.

Source: AHDB

Transitioning into the milking or suckler herd for the first time, and transitioning from one lactation to the next, are key times of stress for our adult ‘plus size’ cows. It is instrumental that we support each individual dairy or suckler cow with everything they need nutritionally and environmentally to stand up to challenges and perform to their full genetic potential.

Do you have a trace element deficiency risk?

Forage is a highly valuable but highly variable nutrition source. In most cases, forage alone doesn’t offer enough essential trace elements for ruminant needs.

Most forages are deficient in one or more essential trace elements. These are all required for digestion, immunity, reproduction, and growth and development.

Clinical deficiencies can be more obvious and can result in severe illness and even death. But subclinical deficiencies can still impact on performance and productivity. With profitability and sustainability front of mind, any level of deficiency must be addressed.

Cobalt (Co)

Cobalt is needed for rumen bacteria to synthesise Vitamin B12 – which forms two critical enzymes, is essential for energy metabolism and the production of red blood cells.

Symptoms of cobalt deficiency in cattle:

  1. Reduced appetite
  2. Reduced growth
  3. Poor hair quality
  4. Anaemia
  5. Diarrhoea

Copper (Cu)

Copper is a part of many critical enzymes involved a wide range of functions from red blood cells, energy cycles and impacts areas such as cell metabolism, growth, fertility, and immune functions to name a few.  

Symptoms of copper deficiency in cattle:

  1. Poor growth rates
  2. Poor conception and fertility
  3. Reduced feed efficiency
  4. Changes to coat colour and condition and quality
  5. Diarrhoea
  6. More prone to parasitic gastroenteritis
  7. Poor hoof quality

Iodine (I)

Iodine plays a critical role in production of thyroid hormone which is involved in metabolism of the body and conversion of some pro-enzymes to active forms.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in cattle:

  1. Poor growth rate
  2. Poor milk production
  3. Irregular cycles
  4. Retained placentas – linked to selenium
  5. Failure to thrive in newly born calves
  6. Enlarged thyroid glands
  7. Stillborn calves

Selenium (Se)

Selenium is critical for several key enzymes involved in immune responses. It is best known for its role in antioxidant defence to cells against damage in conjunction with Vitamin E.

Symptoms of selenium deficiency in cattle:

  1. Retained placentas
  2. Suboptimal fertility
  3. Sudden onset stiffness and inability to stand in younger animals
  4. Mastitis and high SCC
  5. Weak calves unwilling to suck
  6. Suboptimal milk production related to subclinical disease

Is proactive bolusing for you?

For those who don’t know already, here’s how a trace element bolus typically works. Administered orally using a bolusing gun, the bolus remains as a critical mass in the reticulum where the trace elements are released. How it releases the trace elements is one of the key differences from bolus-to-bolus (see below). The trace elements are then used by enzymes or the thyroid hormone for key functions in the ruminant. They can be utilised immediately or stored, depending on the needs of the animal. 


Here’s the main perks of bolusing:

  • Precision: You can select the right size bolus for the right size animal. I.e. with different trace element levels to meet the precise needs of the animal.  
  • Efficacy: Every animal has what it needs and you are not reliant on ongoing consumption. I.e. if an animal goes off its feed, it’s still getting a trace element supply. 
  • Ease: You can administer a bolus and almost forget about it. I.e. once the bolus is in, it can work away for 6 months (depending on the bolus).  

Here’s the potential drawbacks of bolusing:

  • Boluses do not offer a ‘complete’ nutrition package. I.e. they don’t offer energy, protein or other essential macronutrients. But they are complimentary to other modes of supplementation. It is important to work with your vet, nutritionist or a SQP to ensure you are not oversupplying trace elements. 
  • Boluses are not customisable. I.e. you cannot tailor the ingredients like you can a mineral pack or feed. On this basis, they can be more suited to grazing extensive style systems rather than intensive dairy, for example. 


What to look for when choosing your bolus

One of the most crucial factors in cost-effective bolusing is ensuring enough trace elements. That is, not too much and not too little. The key aspects to consider are:

Mode of action

Most boluses claim to ‘erode’, ‘dissolve’ or ‘disintegrate’ the trace elements into the reticulum for a 6 month or longer period. However, the release pattern must also be considered.

Boluses can commonly lose weight and become smaller over time. As such, there is a raised chance of the bolus being regurgitated or passed prematurely. 

Tracesure Cattle XL features a new patented waxed-groove diffusion technology which regulates the rate of release and maintains mass for duration of activity. The grooves allow new surface area to be exposed and thus diffusion of trace elements from these sections. This has allowed higher levels of trace element inclusion in a single bolus.

Trave element levels

The Tracesure Cattle XL bolus is equivalent to the application of two or more of the alternative boluses in the market. The diffusion technology has enabled safe doubling up in the quantity of essential trace elements.

  Trace element levels (mg total) Bolus number required Suitable Liveweight Duration of cover Mode of action
Product Cobalt Copper Iodine Selenium
ANIMAX Tracesure® Cattle 500 30,000 3,400 500 1 200-500kg 180 days Diffusion

ANIMAX Tracesure® Cattle XL






500 kg+

180 days




480 32,640 1,056 504 2 200 kg+ 240 days Eroding
24:7 Smartrace Adult Cattle Plus 486 25,200


4,410 216 1 200 kg+ 180 days Eroding
All-trace High Iodine 468 31,518 3,496 486 2 200 kg+ 180 days Dissolving
All-trace Dry cow 480 11,628 2,112 276 2 400 kg+ 120 days Dissolving
Bimeda® COSEICURE Cattle 500 13,400 1,000 300 1 / 2 100 kg+ /

250 kg+

180 days Dissolving

All Guard

500 30,000


5,000 500 1 / 2 200 kg+ /


180 days Oxidising
Endurabol® Pre-calver 480 11,628 2,112 276 2 150 kg+ 120 days Eroding

High Iodine

(ROI only)

585 2,910 150 2 400 kg+ 150 days Diffusion
Oligovet™ Copper Plus

(ROI only)

15,102 151 2 400 kg+ 180 days Diffusion

Pro Pasture

(ROI only)


/ 4.40


/ 154


/ 16.50


/ 4.40

1 400 kg+ 250 days Diffusion

Trace element forms

As the saying goes, not all trace elements are the same. Some have lower absorbability and are more prone to by-pass through the animal.

Some boluses promote unnecessary trace elements such as zinc or manganese and vitamins. Vitamins are not likely to survive many production processes and are very unstable with short shelf lives once in a liquid, like rumen fluid.

In summary

Ruminant nutrition is not straightforward. There are many variable factors to take into consideration and keep ahead of. The beauty of bolusing is that it takes away some of the complexity by taking care of the trace element aspect.

Not all boluses are made equal, and while it is tempting to go for the option that’s cheapest on paper (or on the label!), think about cost per head per day against the trace elements you are getting. Also think about the cost of the bolus being passed prematurely. This is a greater risk if the bolus erodes or dissolves because they can reduce in size or break into small parts.

When looking at these factors, you can see why so many farmers opt for ANIMAX Tracesure. It’s the form of supplementation you can count on, because every animal counts. 

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2 thoughts on “Cattle XL single application bolus for ‘plus-size’ cattle

  1. Pingback: Are they getting enough to transition smoothly? - Carr's Group

  2. Pingback: Autumn calving: precision trace element nutrition to achieve a better transition - Carr's Group

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