Which trace elements are essential to supplement?
Most soil, grass, and forage is deficient in one or more of the essential trace elements – cobalt, copper, iodine, and/or selenium. These trace elements interact with each other and are all critical to digestion, immunity, reproduction, and growth and development.
Not supplying enough trace elements can manifest as costly clinical or subclinical health and production challenges. Supplying more than enough will either by-pass what an animal can physically absorb or cause toxicity.
By proactively bolusing with ANIMAX Tracesure®, you can be sure that every animal is getting enough trace elements to effectively convert forage input to productive output.

Copper is essential to enzyme function and positive weight gain. ANIMAX Tracesure® copper boluses supply copper in the form of copper oxide needles to facilitate a safe, consistent, and long-lasting supply compared to other sources.

Cobalt is converted by rumen bacteria into vitamin B12 essential for energy cycles, metabolism, growth, and pregnancy. ANIMAX Tracesure® offers a continual supply of cobalt in the rumen for utilisation by bacteria.

Selenium is essential for normal cell function, protecting cells from oxidative stress, and effective immune responses. ANIMAX Tracesure® with its specialist diffusion technology® supplies high levels of selenium in a safe form.

Iodine is an essential component of thyroid hormones responsible for regulating metabolism. ANIMAX Tracesure® contains two types of iodine to provide an immediate supply as well as a longer term supply.