Sheep supplement “work wonders” for ewe and lamb performance
Father and son – Colin and Josh McCartney – are making the right moves as [...]
Bolusing plugs gap on extensive sheep grazing system
Hamish Beaton, East Anglian sheep farmer at Neil Beaton and Son Farming Partnership and livestock [...]
5 bolusing dos and don’ts to make way for a successful lambing
Some essential trace element supplementation dos and don’ts to help optimise grazing or forage utilisation [...]
Avoid any trace element deficiency in sheep this lambing
Trace element deficiency in sheep is can impact ewe condition, foetal development, birth weights, colostrum [...]
Get the timing right on trace element nutrition before lambing
Pedigree Texel breeder and ANIMAX Area Manager – Flor Ryan – offers practical advice on [...]
Dispelling some of the major trace element nutrition myths
In the complex world of ruminant nutrition, there are many “facts”, claims, views, and opinions [...]
Organic bolus for cattle and sheep
ANIMAX Tracesure® is the only sheep and lamb bolus in the market to have received [...]
Supplementing pre tupping makes for better lambing
With pre-tupping upon us or just around the corner, Lauren Arndt is here with a [...]
How Texel sheep flock achieves consistently good fertility
One of the UK’s top Texel sheep flocks talks the benefits of bolusing at pre-tupping. [...]
How cow supplements can lower the cost of production
A shift from high input to low-cost production on a beef and sheep farm presented [...]