Is your view on ruminant supplementation balanced?

The importance of minerals, trace elements, and vitamins in every living function has been long [...]

How a lamb bolus can drive growth rates in weaning lambs

In the most part, we’ve gotten pretty good at managing lambs at grazing. That said, [...]

ANIMAX welcomes new commercial manager for Ireland

The Carrs Group is thrilled to announce that Mark O’Brien has joined as Ireland’s Commercial [...]

How a mineral bolus can drive value from forage

Want to cross check and optimise your grass for trace elements this grazing season? Here’s [...]

4 pre-breeding tips for hitting fertility targets

Submission, conception and pregnancy rates are the cornerstone of all dairy production profitability. Damien Storan [...]

How to get beef supplementation ‘on point’ this turnout

The weeks leading up to spring turnout is when we should be thinking about proactively [...]

Sheep supplements “work wonders” for ewe and lamb performance

Father and son – Colin and Josh McCartney – are making the right moves as [...]

Your guide to supplementation success at turnout

Turnout is a real highlight in the calendar year for most livestock farmers. We look [...]

A progressive approach to utilising valuable spring grass

Father and son, Victor and Davy Chestnutt, are the sixth generation to run Clougher Farm [...]

Bolusing plugs gap on extensive sheep grazing system

Hamish Beaton, East Anglian sheep farmer at Neil Beaton and Son Farming Partnership and livestock [...]

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