Tracesure bolus skyrockets scanning percentages

The Hocken family expose how the Tracesure bolus has delivered better scanning percentages and ewe [...]

Irish farm quickly gets on top of calving challenges

We look at how an Irish beef and sheep farmer cut down on calving issues [...]

Tracesure boluses help solve deficiency issues on suckler farm

Trace element deficiencies were causing the Hanson family some serious health and production challenges on [...]

Bolusing helps young Irish farmer with balancing act

Like many hardworking folk in the agricultural sector, Shane Conway balances two jobs – working [...]

How to overcome the impact of rainfall on trace elements

Extreme rainfall is steadily on the rise and is impacting on the availability of trace [...]

Using a sheep bolus at tupping – FAQ’s answered

Tupping time throws up a whole heap of critical questions. There are so many options [...]

Tupping on the hill: Preparing the ewe for a thrifty lamb

Achieving prime ewe condition on autumn grass ready for tupping is one of the year’s [...]

How to get lowland ewe supplements right at tupping

If your aim for 2025 is compact lambing and maximised income from your next crop [...]

How to get your flock in top form for tupping

Fertility at tupping is the single biggest influencer on any sheep enterprises’ bottom line. Ewes [...]

How to get maiden heifers fit for calving on grass-based diets

With rearing dairy heifers one of the costliest operations on farm, doing everything you can [...]

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